Book Breakdowns

A collection of notes from some of the books I find myself re-reading too often.

It's Like Cliffs Notes For Mostly Self-Help Books

Self-Help because that's what I enjoy. And the notes are for my forgetful memory.

I read self help books all day. Cause I enjoy it!

I take notes. Cause I can't remember things.

I share those notes with you. Cause why not?!

Short and to the Point

I try my best to digest the books I read the most down to a single blog post. Here are a couple examaples below

“So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love.”

- Cal Newport

“The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development”

- Chad Fowler

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of books will I find here?

I enjoy reading about career development, productivity, software development and personal finance. You can see my most recent posts here.

How often do you post?

Honestly I have no Idea, sorry! Sometimes I go through a book every couple weeks. Other times it's every couple months. You can subscribe to updates if you want though.

Who is this for?

I started taking notes when I realized I couldn't recall details of my favorite books without re-reading them every so often. I thought It'd be a cool personal project to formalize these notes for others to reference as well.